Recycle. This very word conjures up images of lugging unwanted materials all the way to the recycling center, and perhaps it is because of this that many people are reluctant to pursue their recycling efforts even if they did take up the initiative to recycle, even just for a one-off occasion. We all know the benefits that come with recycling but most of us are too lazy to do anything about it. To help things going, here are several fun recycling methods that you and your family can take part in.
Let's start with the man of the house. More often than not, he is content to watch TV and have a cold beer upon returning home. Get him to sort out the recyclable materials and you'll hear a thousand and one excuses not to. Why not give him incentives in the form of more beers as long as he recycles the beer cans? You can start by offering to buy him a beer say, for every five or ten beer cans he helps collect and put in the bin. A man never says no to a cold can of beer so before long and with any luck, you'll see him diligently collecting and placing the cans in the right bins to be recycled! To make his efforts easier to track, create a point system and give him a little card which will be stamped accordingly each time he makes a beer can "deposit". This method is fun, gets the job done and gives the hardworking man a beer too! A win-win situation, I say! You can also get him to encourage his friends to do the same and before long you'll see all the men in the neighborhood lugging their own cans to be recycled!
The next step towards going green is to give your kids recyclable items to play with by creating toys out of recyclable materials. This will encourage them to be innovative during playtime and be creative as well as help strengthen your bond. You can also consider telling your kids to save crayons that are too short or unwanted and give them to the National Crayon Recycle Program. Take note that crayons are highly recyclable and through this program, donated crayons are reshaped into interesting forms while still retaining their functionality. As a reminder do make sure the wrappers stay on the crayons as it makes it easier to sort through. Start from home and if this gets big, you can even take your crayon recycling efforts to a whole new level - at school! Just prepare drop-off boxes to collect crayons from children.
Next, encourage your teenagers to be creative by decorating their rooms with recycled items. Be creative and suggest they reuse their unwanted CDs by sticking them upon walls or on their desks for a futuristic finish.
In the kitchen, prepare recycling bins and encourage your family to recycle. There are so many things you can do with unwanted materials found in the kitchen. For example, think about all the glass bottles you throw away each week. You can collect them and paint motives on them, making your very own limited edition vases! Sell them in flea markets or on eBay, it'll definitely net in more cash for your household and you would also be doing your part as a good citizen of the Earth! Going green at home can be fun and save you money on expensive and toxic household goods and products.